Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

The Christmas season for us starts the day after Thanksgiving. The season starts by decorating the house. This was the result of the exterior of the House.

After the exterior, then is was time for the Christmas Tree. This was a new tree for us this year. Geana had bought this tree the day after Christmas last year and got a great deal. We've been wanting a 9' tree since we moved into our house in '04.

We we're asked by Geana's mother if we would host Christmas for the Carr family this year. This is something that we've done in the past and enjoy hosting the family. This year there was 24 people from Geana's family that attended. This year the event took place on Christmas Eve and started around 2:30 p.m
This is the scene that you would have seen at the front door. I also believe that this is the most people that we've ever hosted. We welcomed a couple of new people this year. One was one of Geana's uncles Mother and the other was a girlfriend of one of our nephews, Kevin II. The food was awesome, we had Mexican food for dinner. Geana and I cooked enchilada's with all the sides. I seen some chicken fajita's, by the time I got around to getting some they we all gone. They must have been good! To accommodate everyone for dinner we set up table in the garage.

After dinner it was time to open gifts. This was a long process as we let the children open up their gifts individually. Starting first was Elisabeth, she's my niece, daughter of Stephen and Jeana Carr. We went by order of age and she is the youngest and cutest.

Next was James, Elisabeth's brother.

And then it was our son Dillan's turn.

Next was Nathan, he would be Stephan and Gina's oldest boy.

Next is Matt, he is my wife's sister's son or my brother's son, however you want to look at it :)

And the last teenager was Charity, she's Stephan and Gina's oldest.

The adults open their gift all together. Here is Paul and Shirley, Geana's Mom and Dad.

Kevin and his Girlfriend. Kevin is Darlene and Kevin's son.

Here's one of Geana and her gifts.

So, after the opening of the gifts, it was time for family pictures. These photos are of each individual family done in my garage with my Nikon D50.

First is the Millsap family, this is Geana's Aunt and Uncle. Standing left to Right, Tamara, Bobby and Rocky. Seated is Patty.

This is Geana's brother Stephan and his family. From left to right, James, Charity,Nathan,Elisabeth, Stephan and Jeana.

This is Geana's older sister, Darlene and her family, from left to right, Kevin, Kevin II and seated is Darlene.

This is my brother and Geana's youngest sister Christine and family. If you didn't figure that out, that means my brother and I married sisters. From left to right, Matt, Brandon, Timothy and Christine.

And then there is Geana's Parents, Paul and Shirley...

And finally my family, Geana, Dillan and myself.

Next day was Christmas day and Geana, Dillan and I went to my parents. Again, we had plenty of good food. This is the pre-meal preparations going on in Mom's kitchen. We had ham and all the trimmings.

Dillan and my Dad waiting patiently to open gifts.

Gift opening started with Mom...

And then Dad just got Silly!

After the gift opening I tried my luck at taking pictures of the beast. His name is "Shadow" and he stays in my Mom and Dad's backyard. I would not want to cross paths with him at night.

All in all it was a nice Christmas. Both days were filled with unforgettable memories that we will cherish forever.

Jerry Heath